
Sourcery: Automated code refactoring!#

  • Real-time refactoring suggestions with one-click updates

  • Code quality feedback

  • Refactoring explanations to make you a better programmer!

  • Star the repo to get an automated refactoring PR on your most popular repos!

  • VSCode Extension

🌟 Github:

🔥 VSCode/ Pycharm extensions:

💯 Supported Refactorings:

Mintlify: Automated Documentation#

🤔 What’s the most boring part about coding? Arguably it’s documentation! Well, fret not! You can now generate function docstrings automagically 🪄 with this amazing VSCode extension by Mintlify!!!

🔥 And yes! It works with Jupyter in VSCode too! One more reason to switch to VSCode for development

🌟 Github:

Jupyter Magic Commands#

I have a love-hate relationship with Jupyter notebooks. One of the things I love is magic commands! My top 3 favorite Jupyter notebook magic commands are…

  1. %%writefile <filename> —> Writes the contents of the entire cell into <filename> file. Super useful to move all your helper functions to a

  2. %%time —> Measures the execution time of the entire cell and prints it below. Super valuable for benchmark code in different cells

  3. %%bash —> Run the contents of the entire cell as a bash script. Super helpful in environments where you don’t have direct access to the terminal, such as in a Colab or Kaggle notebook

ℹ️ Jupyter magic commands documentation:

LaTeX best practices#

Compilation of best practices to writing with LaTeX!

🌟 Github: