AWS Sagemaker#

AWS Sagemaker Serverless#

Major cost savings on ML endpoints with AWS Sagemaker!

  • In the past when you deploy an ML model as a Real-Time Inference endpoint on Sagemaker, you’ve had to keep the deployment instance running 24*7

  • This is a waste of money if your ML model receives sporadic traffic with some periods of 0 traffic as your instance is running idle

Enter Sagemaker serverless!

  • During times when there is no traffic, Serverless Inference scales your endpoint down to 0, helping you to minimize your costs!

  • There will be some cold start when there is traffic after a long period of inactivity. In my experience with scikit-learn models, the cold start is <2s!

  • Implement with just one line of code change

πŸ“– Docs:

AWS Sagemaker Inference#

AWS Sagemaker is one of the easiest ways I’ve come across for deploying Machine Learning models as a Data Scientist.

  • Create a simple file with just four functions

  • model_fn: To load the model from a file

  • input_fn: Convert input JSON data into a pandas dataframe. Do any other preprocessing BEFORE model predictions here

  • predict_fn: Run the model predictions

  • output_fn: Post-process the predictions and convert them to JSON

  • As a pre-requisite, your trained model should be zipped as a tar.gz file on S3

Use the same for all of the below deployment methods!

  • Real-time inference

  • Multi-model endpoint

  • Serverless inference (the topic of yesterday’s post)

  • Batch transform

The entire process is massively simplified if you use the JSON lines format (a topic for another post).

πŸ“– Docs: